Proclaim the Word of the Lord at weekend and Holy Day liturgies. Contact Deacon Ed Formosa at 406-363-7098.
Music ministers provide music for the weekend masses and special liturgies. Contact Terese Athman at 406-360-9616.
Assist the priest, lead the processions and prepare the altar for Eucharistic celebration. Contact Deacon Ed Formosa at 406-363-7098.
Welcome parishioners and visitors, facilitate seating and offertory collection, and distribute the bulletins.
We are a collaboration of healthcare professionals, lay persons and pastoral staff working to facilitate a source of healing and health for all parishioners. Contact Nancy Dezell at 703-786-5990.
The Bible study group meets Mondays from 10:00am-12:00noon in the RCIA room. Contact Barrie Smith at 865-250-1356.
The rosary is prayed 25 minutes prior to Sunday Mass.
We are a group of parishioners that pray for those in need. Contact Dianne Sandland at 406-375-9038.
We knit and crochet shawls, lap robes, and baby blankets in the spirit of prayer for anyone experiencing either a troubling or happy occasion. Contact Cathy Fahrenbruck at 406-409-8586.
We provide loving support with meals and prayer for parish families welcoming a new baby into their home. Contact Anita Driscoll at 406-370-7213.
The Council serves in an advisory capacity to the pastor, promotes pastoral life and ministry of the parish through prayer, study, reflection, planning and goal-setting. Contact parish office if interested in serving.
The Council assists and advises the pastor concerning the administration of all parish goods within the Code of Canon Law and applicable civil law. By invitation.
Ensures that the Parish has the facilities, resources, services and programs to carry out the Mission of Christ to meet the long term needs of the Parish and community at large.
We serve to welcome and introduce new parishioners to our church and parish ministries. Contact Teresa Larsen at 406-363-1385.
We provide luncheons in the Pastoral Life Center following funerals. Contact Dianne Sandland at 406-375-9038.
We assist the office staff as needed with mailings, answering phones, preparing bulletins, and other support. Contact Teresa Larsen at 406-363-1385.
Elementary and Junior High (K-8)
Our goal is to achieve a basic understanding of the Catholic catechism. Second grade students receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Contact Katie McWilliam at 406-363-1385.
An environment of fellowship and learning as we prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation which is celebrated every other year in our parish. Ongoing Bible study and fellowship for those already confirmed. Contact George & Jessica Lund 574-309-2751 or 574-369-0904.
We introduce interested adults to the Catholic faith and way of life, using RCIA as the formal process of catechetical instruction. Contact Kathy Formosa 209-986-1247.
A Catholic fellowship for women of the parish. As followers of Jesus, we use our gifts and energy to serve our parish and community. Luncheons held monthly for all members. Contact Marilee Shockley 406-642-3817 (Ladies) and Karen Stout-Suenram at 406-240-9046 (Auxillary).
A Christian fellowship for men whose goals are to support the parish and build fraternal bonds through social, religious, educational and athletic activities. Activities include parish pancake breakfasts and Lenten fish fries. Contact George Lund, Jr. at 574-360-3515.
This group creates quilts that are donated to various groups in the Valley and across the state. They also make parish baptismal bibs and altar items. New members always welcome. Contact Pat Ryan-Swindler at 406-369-3282 or Barb Pittack 406-961-4218.
Ongoing care and support for those going through the grief process, including multi-week grief sessions and follow-up with families after they have experienced a loss. Contact Nancy Dezell at 703-786-5990.
Ministers are called upon as need arises Eucharist may be taken following Mass at a time convenient for receiver and minister. Parishioners are encouraged to call if a family member is ill. Contact the office at 406-363-1385.
Mon - Thurs: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm